Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It was my priviledge to attend the conference on Agricultural Biotechnology for Developing Countries[ABDC] which was held at Gualadalajara, Mexico last 1-4 March.
We all were very careful when we engage the BT conference as FAO would promote BT with our mediation too. I was the only one member from fisheries sector attend the conference and was a rare experience on this field.
However, the farmer's organizations and the fisheries organization, of course it was only WFFP had serious criticisms over the process.
I was with my friend George of MIJARC and Thagi of WAMIP movements, as allies and we had serious dialogues within and out side the forums.
I had the opportunity to raise the concerns of Farmers and Fisheries Organizations, on role of those organizations, on research & development. How to get the traditional knowledge on R&d, the central role of fishers and farmers organiztions when designing the research and development.
Our criticism is already there on GMO and their impacts.
We need to study further on this and educate our selves.

It is bit surprize, most of the points we raised at the sessions were included and much appreciated on this.
We hope the R&D would be helpful for the better future of the humankind.
